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    [x] Spina bifida: - a congenital threat

  • Pramod Wable et al
  • In: Clinical Biology Section - Poster Session on Monday, 28 August 2006, 9:00-17:00
  • At: 2006 FIP Congress in Salvadore (Brazil)
  • Type: Poster

    [x] Buccal tablets with peptides

  • Janusz Pluta et al
  • In: SIG Bioavailability / Bioequivalence - Poster Session on Monday, 28 August 2006, 9:00-17:00
  • At: 2006 FIP Congress in Salvadore (Brazil)
  • Type: Poster

    [x] Biography m. schulz

  • Martin Schulz
  • In: Biographies of Invited Speakers and Chairs on Tuesday, 29 August 2006, 9:00-12:00
  • At: 2006 FIP Congress in Salvadore (Brazil)
  • Type:
Last update 28 September 2023

FIP Congresses