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The effects of short-term rosiglitasone treatment on glycemic control in diabetic and prediabetic patients with metabolic syndrome

  • In: Clinical Biology - Posters
  • At: Istanbul (Turkey) (2009)
  • Type: Poster
  • Poster code: CBS-P-008
  • By: SEMIZ, Sabina (University of Sarajevo/Faculty of Pharmacy, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Co-author(s): Causevic, Adlija (University of Sarajevo/Faculty of Pharmacy, SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    Djankovic, Amra (General Hospital Abdulah Nakas, SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    Semiz, Sabina (University of Sarajevo/Faculty of Pharmacy, SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    Malenica, Maja (University of Sarajevo/Faculty of Pharmacy, SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    Tuka, Mijat (Pharmacy Kiseljak, KISELJAK, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Abstract:

    Metabolic syndrome is the clustering of risk factors associated with diabetes and heart disease, such as obesity, high glucose, high cholesterol, and hypertension. This syndrome is very common and its components may be used to communicate increased risk of developing diabetes. In this work, differential effects of rosiglitasone on glycemic control


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Last update 28 September 2023

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