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Events and webinars

FIP is pleased to bring you announcements of events, meetings and workshops around the world concerning pharmacy practice, the pharmaceutical sciences and global health. For more information on a particular event please click the associated link.

Motivating Language: Special Considerations for Mentoring Among Diverse Groups of Colleagues

A webinar organised by:
5 April 2023

This 2nd of 4 Digital Events on mentorship will follow the introductory event on mentoring and focus specifically on the use of motivating language as well as draw upon social provisions theory to evoke more effective communication between mentors, mentees, and all colleagues. Research has demonstrated how communication using these strategies helps to engender organizational and profession commitment, as well as mitigate burnout in pharmacy. They are also useful strategies when mentoring and communicating with persons of varied backgrounds to promote gender and racial equity and increase comfort levels of mentors and mentees who are varied in their background.

-Shane Deselle, Associate Dean for Research and Professional Affairs Touro University California College of Pharmacy-USA


-Brooke Clubbs, Coordinator, MA in Higher Education Southeast Missouri State University, Department of Leadership, Middle & Secondary Education-UA
-Efi Mantzourani, Reader in Pharma;cy Practice University of Cardiff School of Pharmacy-Wales
-Imbi Drame, Amine Global LLC-USA
-Heiko Spallek, University of Sydney School of Dentistry-Australia

Last update 12 September 2019

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