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Events and webinars

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Enabling pharmaceutical education transformation in the Western Pacific region: Launch of FIP-UNESCO UNITWIN Centre for Excellence

A webinar organised by:
29 May 2024

Pharmaceutical education is undergoing a dynamic transformation, driven by the evolving healthcare landscape, technological advancements, and the need for highly skilled professionals. To support pharmaceutical education reform in WPR, FIP through the UNITWIN Network on Global Pharmacy Education Development, in collaboration with UNESCO and University College London (UCL), is establishing the FIP-UNESCO UNITWIN Centre for Excellence in Western pacific region.

- Dalia Bajis , FIP Senior programme lead , FIP , The Netherlands
- Genuine Desireh , FIP Educational partnerships and projects manager ,FIP , The Netherlands
- Catherine Duggan ,FIP CEO , FIP , The Netherlands
- Ralph J. Altiere , FIPEd Chair , FIP and University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, USA
- Paul Gallagher, Deputy Head-Clinical, Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- John Jackson, President , Western Pacific Pharmaceutical Forum , Australia
- Nisa Masyitah, FIP Project and Data Support Coordinator, FIP
- Lilian M. Azzopardi , Head, Department of Pharmacy , University of Malta , Malta

Last update 12 September 2019

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