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Events and webinars

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Closing the medicines supply gap in the African region: The East African perspective

A webinar organised by:
23 May 2024

The expanding population in East Africa is putting immense pressure on the health sectors of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Rwanda, both financially and organizationally. Over 90% of drugs in the region are imported, leading to frequent stock-outs of essential medications and medical supplies, exacerbating health issues. Diagnostic equipment is often out of use due to lack of repair, further straining the healthcare system.

- Genuine Desireh, Educational partnerships and projects manager, FIP, The Netherlands
- Ruben Viegas, Humanitarian and Sustainability Programme Manager, FIP, The Netherlands

-  Darius Uzabakiriho,  COO and Co-Founder/ Treasurer,  Irebe Biotech Ltd/ Rwanda National Pharmacy Council, Rwanda
-  Jocelyn Chaibva,  Pharmacist Director,  Nu Fife Avenue Pharmacy, Harare, Zimbabwe
-  David Taylor,  Emeritus Professor, Pharmaceutical and Public Health Policy,  University College London, United Kingdom
- Mavere Tukai, Director General, Medical Stores Department (MSD), Tanzania
-  Jeremy Holmes,  Former CEO, RPS, United Kingdom

Last update 12 September 2019

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