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Events and webinars

FIP is pleased to bring you announcements of events, meetings and workshops around the world concerning pharmacy practice, the pharmaceutical sciences and global health. For more information on a particular event please click the associated link.

Pharmacists' role in supporting health behaviour change

A webinar organised by:
28 June 2024

Pharmacists play a crucial role in supporting behaviour change, significantly impacting medication adherence. By offering personalised counselling, education, and motivational interviewing, pharmacists help patients understand the importance of their medication, address barriers to adherence, and foster healthier habits. This proactive engagement can lead to better health outcomes by ensuring patients take their medications as prescribed, reducing the risk of complications, and enhancing overall treatment efficacy. Furthermore, pharmacists' accessibility and frequent interactions with patients position them uniquely to reinforce adherence strategies and provide continuous support, ultimately improving patient health and reducing healthcare costs.

Last update 12 September 2019

FIP Congresses