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31 August 2024 

FIP welcomes five individuals to Bureau posts

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Today, the FIP Council ratified the appointment of four individuals to posts on the FIP Bureau members from 5 September:

•    Prof. Giovanni Pauletti  (USA) will be the new chair of FIP’s Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences (BPS).

•    Prof. John Pieper (USA) will be the new chair of FIP Education.

•    Prof. Don Mager (USA), appointed by the BPS, will be a FIP vice president.

•    Mr Rob Moss (Netherlands), appointed by the Board of Pharmaceutical Practice, will be a FIP vice president.

In addition, the council elected Ms Raquel Martinez Garcia (Spain) as a FIP vice president. The Council Meeting is taking place in Cape Town, South Africa.

FIP thanks the following outgoing Bureau members for their service:
•    Prof. Ross McKinnon (BPS chair)
•    Prof. Ralph Altiere (FIPEd chair)
•    Prof. Parisa Aslani (vice president)
•    Ms Manjiri Gharat (vice president)
•    Prof. Hiroshi Suzuki (vice president)

Last update 15 May 2019

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