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24 June 2024 

FIP’s Self-Care Month starts today

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FIP’s Self-Care Month starts today and concludes with Self-Care Day on 24 July. During the month, the federation will offer a number of new FIP resources self-care under the banner “Think Health, Think Pharmacy — Think Self-Care”. 

The resources will include digital events and CPD Bites, with a focus on empowering self-care through pharmacists. Topics will include supporting behaviour change, managing skin conditions in community pharmacies, and raising awareness about the value of self-care. “This work is part of our priority programme on self-care and common ailments, which aligns with FIP Development Goal 18 (access to medicines, devices and services),” FIP’s president Paul Sinclair said.

Register for the upcoming digital events here. The launch of new CPD Bites will be announced via FIP’s social media (Fb, LI and X).

Last update 15 May 2019

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