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Personalised and precision medicine special interest group

Precision Medicine (also known as individualised medicine) is the science of using information about an individual patient (e.g., genetics, drug concentrations) to optimise the benefit and minimise the harm of medical interventions on a patient-by-patient basis. This group focuses on the development and application of patient-specific interventions utilising state-of-the-art scientific approaches to improve efficacy and safety, including PK/PD modelling, pharmacogenetics, dose optimisation, diagnostics, and devices linked to drug administration, prescribing and adherence. 

Our goals are to:

  • Establish a platform within FIP that fosters scientific exchange in the area of precision medicine.
  • Disseminate the latest research and technological advancements in the area of precision medicine to pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists.
  • Enable the integration of different individualisation approaches (e.g. omics, TDM, PK/PD) to optimise treatment selection for a particular patient or subgroup of patients.
  • Illustrate case examples of precision medicine applications at the bedside.

How we work

The special interest group is chaired by Prof. Stephanie Huang (USA) and vice-chaired by Prof. Hiroyuki Kusuhara (Japan) and Prof. Valvanera Vozmediano (USA).

Five focus groups have been set up on specific areas:

  • Omics and Big Data  
  • PK/PD and Systems Pharmacology 
  • Implementation into Clinical Practise
  • Real World Outcomes Data
  • Pharmacometrics 

Annual report

The 2023 annual report of the SIG on Personalised and Precision Medicine can be found here.


For more information about this group or to get involved, email

Last update 11 June 2024

FIP Congresses