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FIP Library

FIP makes it a priority to publish the latest developments in pharmacy practice, pharmaceutical sciences, related global news and prominent events. Our multi-media approach to keeping members, partners and peers informed of what is and will be affecting their area of practice or science is key to keeping information flowing through the FIP network.

2024 Iron deficiency anaemia: Managing symptoms and supporting self-care. A handbook for pharmacists
2023 Supporting tobacco cessation and the treatment of tobacco dependence: A handbook for pharmacists
2022 HIV prevention, screening and management: A handbook for pharmacists
2022 Cardiovascular diseases: A handbook for pharmacists
2022 Cancer: A handbook for pharmacists
2022 Chronic respiratory diseases: A handbook for pharmacists

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals prioritise universal health coverage (UHC) and commit to reducing the impact of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) as well as communicable diseases. This handbook is an important enabling tool to achieve those goals because it makes the case for the inclusion of care for chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) as part of UHC and demonstrates the important role pharmacists have in achieving this.

2022 Mental Health: A Handbook for Pharmacists

Developed in collaboration with an international group of experts, this handbook aims to support pharmacy practice, presenting the many potential mental health care actions that pharmacists can perform, from preventing mental illness and screening for signs to optimising medication and responding to mental health crises.

2022 Knowledge and skills reference guide for professional development in mental health

Intended to accompany "Mental health — A handbook for pharmacists", this publication defines the knowledge and skills that pharmacists need to acquire to provide mental health services.  

2022 Empowering self-care. A handbook for pharmacists
2021 Cold, flu and sinusitis: Managing symptoms and supporting self-care — A handbook for pharmacists
2021 Diabetes prevention, screening and management: A handbook for pharmacists
2020 Vector borne diseases: A handbook for pharmacists

A handbook to support pharmacists in preventing, controlling, managing and treating vector-borne diseases, produced in collaboration with the Pharmaceutical Forum of the Americas.
This publication provides an overview of vector-borne diseases and the actions that pharmacists can take. It covers:

• Education on prevention methods;
• Advice on the use of repellents;
• Compounding of mosquito repellents;
• Improving vaccination coverage;
• Optimising adherence to treatments; and
• Reducing social stigma.

The FIP Global Pharmaceutical Observatory (GPO) is a worldwide data hub to inform the advocacy work of our members and partners.  

The FIP Atlas is a platform being developed to showcase our members’ needs and priorities (supported by the data from the GPO), allowing us to identify opportunities for developing pharmacy with, for and through our member organisations.  

Latest intelligence and data on the state of pharmacy and pharmaceutical science around the world.  


Last update 28 March 2022

FIP Congresses