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11 September 2024 

New FIP publication reports on first step to deliver a policy framework for global life-course immunisation

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A foundational document for the development of a policy framework for life-course immunisation globally is published by FIP today.

In April 2024, the federation hosted a policy development summit to focus on the growing role of pharmacy in vaccinations, and to describe and define the parameters for the implementation of a FIP global policy on life-course immunisation. Over two days, experts and representatives from a selection of countries with experience of pharmacists as vaccinators shared their knowledge, expertise and country case studies in several focus areas: new and emerging vaccines; the wider benefits of vaccines; vaccine remuneration models; vaccine confidence; and access to data and vaccination records. The insights, data, expertise and experiences shared during the summit are presented in the new report, available here.

Last update 15 May 2019

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