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FIP Library

FIP makes it a priority to publish the latest developments in pharmacy practice, pharmaceutical sciences, related global news and prominent events. Our multi-media approach to keeping members, partners and peers informed of what is and will be affecting their area of practice or science is key to keeping information flowing through the FIP network.

2012 FIPEd Global Competency Framework

The Global Competency Framework promotes the development of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours that an individual develops through education, training, development and experience as means to create a capable practitioner workforce in all healthcare professions. The framework is divided in four areas of practice, 20 competencies and 100 behavioural competencies. It is intended to act as a mapping tool and can be adapted according to the country or local needs.

2012 FIP Global Pharmacy Workforce report 

A comprehensive report with an overview of global pharmacy workforce and education trends in 2012. This document presents the pharmacy workforce situation in 90 countries and territories around the world, representing nearly four million pharmaceutical human resources for health. It also offers an analysis of pharmacy education, academic and training capacity, quality assurance, practitioner development approaches, leadership development, and education research. The pharmacy support workforce was also examined as part of the analysis. One chapter also presents nine case studies on pharmacy workforce planning, management, and development from 9 countries and territories.

The FIP Global Pharmaceutical Observatory (GPO) is a worldwide data hub to inform the advocacy work of our members and partners.  

The FIP Atlas is a platform being developed to showcase our members’ needs and priorities (supported by the data from the GPO), allowing us to identify opportunities for developing pharmacy with, for and through our member organisations.  

Latest intelligence and data on the state of pharmacy and pharmaceutical science around the world.  


Last update 28 March 2022

FIP Congresses